अग्निमीळे पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य देवं रत्वीजम |
aghnimīḷe purohitaṃ yajñasya devaṃ ṛtvījam |
होतारं रत्नधातमम ||
hotāraṃ ratnadhātamam ||
I Laud Agni, the chosen Priest, God, minister of sacrifice,
The hotar, lavishest of wealth.
अग्निः पूर्वेभिर्र्षिभिरीड्यो नूतनैरुत |
aghniḥ pūrvebhirṛṣibhirīḍyo nūtanairuta |
स देवानेह वक्षति ||
sa devāneha vakṣati ||
Worthy is Agni to be praised by living as by ancient seers.
He shall bring hitherward the Gods.
अग्निना रयिमश्नवत पोषमेव दिवे-दिवे |
aghninā rayimaśnavat poṣameva dive-dive |
यशसं वीरवत्तमम ||
yaśasaṃ vīravattamam ||
3 .
Through Agni man obtaineth wealth, yea, plenty waxing day by day,
Most rich in heroes, glorious.
अग्ने यं यज्ञमध्वरं विश्वतः परिभूरसि |
aghne yaṃ yajñamadhvaraṃ viśvataḥ paribhūrasi |
स इद्देवेषु गछति ||
sa iddeveṣu ghachati ||
4 .
Agni, the perfect sacrifice which thou encompassest about
Verily goeth to the Gods.
अग्निर्होता कविक्रतुः सत्यश्चित्रश्रवस्तमः |
aghnirhotā kavikratuḥ satyaścitraśravastamaḥ |
देवो देवेभिरा गमत ||
devo devebhirā ghamat ||
5 .
May Agni, sapient-minded Priest, truthful, most gloriously great,
The God, come hither with the Gods.
यदङग दाशुषे तवमग्ने भद्रं करिष्यसि |
yadaṅgha dāśuṣe tvamaghne bhadraṃ kariṣyasi |
तवेत तत सत्यमङगिरः ||
tavet tat satyamaṅghiraḥ ||
6 .
Whatever blessing, Agni, thou wilt grant unto thy worshipper,
That, Aṅgiras, is indeed thy truth.
उप तवाग्ने दिवे-दिवे दोषावस्तर्धिया वयम |
upa tvāghne dive-dive doṣāvastardhiyā vayam |
नमो भरन्त एमसि ||
namo bharanta emasi ||
To thee, dispeller of the night, O Agni, day by day with prayer
Bringing thee reverence, we come
राजन्तमध्वराणां गोपां रतस्य दीदिविम |
rājantamadhvarāṇāṃ ghopāṃ ṛtasya dīdivim |
वर्धमानंस्वे दमे ||
vardhamānaṃsve dame ||
Ruler of sacrifices, guard of Law eternal, radiant One,
Increasing in thine own abode.
स नः पितेव सूनवे.अग्ने सूपायनो भव |
sa naḥ piteva sūnave.aghne sūpāyano bhava |
सचस्वा नः सवस्तये ||
sacasvā naḥ svastaye ||
Be to us easy of approach, even as a father to his son:
Agni, be with us for our weal.
Rig Veda
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Selasa, 19 Juli 2011
Senin, 11 Juli 2011
|| Chamakaprashnah ||
|| Chamakaprashnah ||
Agnaavishhnuu Sajoshhasemaa Vardhantu Vaam Girah |
Dyumnairvaajebhiraagatam.H ||
Vaajashcha Me Prasavashcha Me
Prayatishcha Me Prasitishcha Me Dhiitishcha Me Kratushcha Me
Svarashcha Me Shlokashcha Me Shraavashcha Me Shrutishcha Me
Jyotishcha Me Suvashcha Me Praanashcha Me.Apaanashcha Me
Vyaanashcha Me.Asushcha Me Chittam Cha Ma Aadhiitam Cha Me
Vaakcha Me Manashcha Me Chakshushcha Me Shrotram Cha Me
Dakshashcha Me Balam Cha Ma Ojashcha Me Sahashcha Ma Aayushcha Me
Jaraa Cha Ma Aatmaa Cha Me Tanuushcha Me Sharma Cha Me Varma Cha Me
.An^gaani Cha Me.Asthaani Cha Me Paruu\M+Shhi Cha Me
Shariiraani Cha Me || 1||
Jyaishhthyam Cha Ma Aadhipathyam Cha Me Manyushcha Me
Bhaamashcha Me.Amashcha Me.Ambhashcha Me Jemaa Cha Me
Mahimaa Cha Me Varimaa Cha Me Prathimaa Cha Me Varshhmaa Cha Me Draaghuyaa Cha Me
Vr^iddham Cha Me Vr^iddhishcha Me Satyam Cha Me Shraddhaa Cha Me
Jagachcha Me Dhanam Cha Me Vashashcha Me Tvishhishcha Me Kriidaa Cha Me
Modashcha Me Jaatam Cha Me Janishhyamaanam Cha Me Suuktam Cha Me
Sukr^itam Cha Me Vittam Cha Me Vedyam Cha Me Bhuutam Cha Me
Bhavishhyachcha Me Sugam Cha Me Supatham Cha Ma R^iddham Cha Ma R^iddhishcha Me
Kl^iptam Cha Me Kl^iptishcha Me Matishcha Me Sumatishcha Me || 2||
Sham Cha Me Mayashcha Me Priyam Cha Me.Anukaamashcha Me
Kaamashcha Me Saumanasashcha Me Bhadram Cha Me Shreyashcha Me
Vasyashcha Me Yashashcha Me Bhagashcha Me Dravinam Cha Me
Yantaa Cha Me Dhartaa Cha Me Kshemashcha Me Dhr^itishcha Me
Vishvam Cha Me Mahashcha Me Samvichcha Me Gyaatram Cha Me
Suushcha Me Prasuushcha Me Siiram Cha Me Layashcha Ma R^itam Cha Me
.Amr^itam Cha Me.Ayakshmam Cha Me.Anaamayachcha Me Jiivaatushcha Me
Diirghaayutvam Cha Me.Anamitram Cha Me.Abhayam Cha Me Sugam Cha Me
Shayanam Cha Me Suushhaa Cha Me Sudinam Cha Me || 3||
Uurkcha Me Suunr^itaa Cha Me Payashcha Me Rasashcha Me
Ghr^itam Cha Me Madhu Cha Me Sagdhishcha Me Sapiitishcha Me
Kr^ishhishcha Me Vr^ishhtishcha Me Jaitram Cha Ma Audbhidyam Cha Me
Rayishcha Me Raayashcha Me Pushhtam Cha Me Pushhtishcha Me
Vibhu Cha Me Prabhu Cha Me Bahu Cha Me Bhuuyashcha Me
Puurnam Cha Me Puurnataram Cha Me.Akshitishcha Me Kuuyavaashcha Me
.Annam Cha Me.Akshuchcha Me Vriihiyashcha Me Yavaashcha Me Maashhaashcha Me
Tilaashcha Me Mudgaashcha Me Khalvaashcha Me Godhuumaashcha Me
Masuraashcha Me Priyamgavashcha Me.Anavashcha Me
Shyaamaakaashcha Me Niivaaraashcha Me || 4||
Ashmaa Cha Me Mr^ittikaa Cha Me Girayashcha Me Parvataashcha Me
Sikataashcha Me Vanaspatayashcha Me Hiranyam Cha Me
.Ayashcha Me Siisam Cha Me Trapushcha Me Shyaamam Cha Me
Loham Cha Me.Agnishcha Ma Aapashcha Me Viirudhashcha Ma
Oshhadhayashcha Me Kr^ishhtapachyam Cha Me.Akr^ishhtapachyam Cha Me
Graamyaashcha Me Pashava Aaranyaashcha Yagyena Kalpantaam
Vittam Cha Me Vittishcha Me Bhuutam Cha Me Bhuutishcha Me
Vasu Cha Me Vasatishcha Me Karma Cha Me Shaktishcha Me
.Arthashcha Ma Emashcha Ma Itishcha Me Gatishcha Me || 5||
Agnishcha Ma Indrashcha Me Somashcha Ma Indrashcha Me
Savitaa Cha Ma Indrashcha Me Sarasvatii Cha Ma Indrashcha Me
Puushhaa Cha Ma Indrashcha Me Br^ihaspatishcha Ma Indrashcha Me
Mitrashcha Ma Indrashcha Me Varunashcha Ma Indrashcha Me
Tvashhtaa Cha Ma Indrashcha Me Dhaataa Cha Ma Indrashcha Me
Vishhnushcha Ma Indrashcha Me.Ashvinau Cha Ma Indrashcha Me
Marutashcha Ma Indrashcha Me Vishve Cha Me Devaa Indrashcha Me
Pr^ithivii Cha Ma Indrashcha Me.Antariiksham Cha Ma Indrashcha Me
Dyaushcha Ma Indrashcha Me Dishashcha Ma Indrashcha Me
Muurdhaa Cha Ma Indrashcha Me Prajaapatishcha Ma Indrashcha Me || 6||
-----------May Agni for me and Indra, may Soma and Indra, may Savitr and Indra, may Sarasvati and Indra, may Pusan and Indra, may Brhaspati and Indra, may Mitra and Indra, may Varuna and Indra, may Tvastr [1] and Indra, may Dhatr and Indra, may Visnu and Indra, may the Açvins and Indra, may the Maruts and Indra, may the All-gods and Indra, may earth and Indra, may the atmosphere and Indra, may sky and Indra, may the quarters and Indra, may the head and Indra, may Prajapati and Indra (be auspicious for me through the sacrifice).-----------
A\M+Shushcha Me Rashmishcha Me.Adaabhyashcha Me.Adhipatishcha Ma
Upaa\M+Shushcha Me.Antaryaamashcha Ma Aindravaayashcha Me
Maitraavarunashcha Ma Aashvinashcha Me Pratipasthaanashcha Me
Shukrashcha Me Manthii Cha Ma Aagrayanashcha Me Vaishvadevashcha Me
Dhruvashcha Me Vaishvaanarashcha Ma R^itugraahaashcha Me
.Atigraahyaashcha Ma Aindraagnashcha Me Vaishvadevaashcha Me
Marutvatiiyaashcha Me Maahendrashcha Ma Aadityashcha Me
Saavitrashcha Me Saarasvatashcha Me Paushhnashcha Me
Paatniivatashcha Me Haariyojanashcha Me || 7||
-----------May the Amçu cup for me, the Raçmi, the Adabhya, the overlord (cup), the Upançu, the Antaryama, the (cup) for Indra and Vayu, the (cup) for Mitra and Varuna, the (cup) for the Açvins, the Pratiprasthana (cup) the Çukra, the Manthin, the Agrayana, the (cup) for the All-gods, the Dhruva, the (cup) for Vaiçvanara, the season cups [1], the Atigrahyas, the (cup) for Indra and Agni, the (cup) for the All-gods, the (cups) for the Maruts, the (cup) for Mahendra, the (cup) for Aditya, the (cup) for Savitr the (cup) for Sarasvati, the (cup) for Pusan, the (cup) for (Tvastr) with the wives (of the gods), the Hariyojana (cup) (prosper for me through the sacrifice).-----------
Idhmashcha Me Barhishcha Me Vedishcha Me Dhishhniyaashcha Me
Sruchashcha Me Chamasaashcha Me Graavaanashcha Me Svaravashcha Ma
Uparavaashcha Me .Adhishhavane Cha Me Dronakalashashcha Me
Vaayavyaani Cha Me Puutabhr^ichcha Me Aadhavaniiyashcha Ma
Aagniidhram Cha Me Havirdhaanam Cha Me Gr^ihaashcha Me Sadashcha Me
Purodaashaashcha Me Pachataashcha Me.Avabhr^ithashcha Me
Svagaakaarashcha Me || 8||
-----------May the kindling-wood for me, the strew, the altar, the lesser altars, the offering-spoons, the cups, the pressing-stones, the chips (of the post), the sounding-holes, the two pressing-boards, the wooden tub, the Vayu cups, the (bowl) for the purified Soma, the mixing (bowl), the Agnidh's altar, the oblation-holder, the house, the Sadas, the cakes, the cooked (offerings), the final bath, the cry of 'Godspeed' (prosper for me through the sacrifice).-----------
Agnishcha Me Dharmashcha Me.Arkashcha Me Suuryashcha Me
Praanashcha Me.Ashvamedhashcha Me Pr^ithivii Cha Me.A Ditishcha Me
Ditishcha Me Dyaushcha Me Shakkvariiran^gulayo Dishashcha Me
Yagyena Kalpantaamr^ikcha Me Saama Cha Me Stomashcha Me
Yajushcha Me Diikshaa Cha Me Tapashcha Ma R^itushcha Me Vratam Cha Me
.Ahoraatrayorvr^ishhtyaa Br^ihadrathantare Cha Me Yagyena Kalpetaam.H || 9||
-----------May the fire for me, the cauldron, the beam, the sun, breath, the horse sacrifice, earth, Aditi, Diti, sky, the Çakvari verses, the fingers, the quarters prosper through the sacrifice; may the Re, the Saman, the hymn tune, the Yajus, consecration, penance, the season, the vow (prosper) through the rain of day and night, the Brhat and Rathantara prosper for me through the sacrifice.-----------
Garbhaashcha Me Vatsaashcha Me Travishcha Me Travii Cha Me
Dityavaat.H Cha Me Dityauhii Cha Me Pajnchaavishcha Me
Pajnchaavii Cha Me Trivatsashcha Me Trivatsaa Cha Me
Turyavaat.H Cha Me Turyauhii Cha Me Pashhthavaat.H Cha Me
Pashhthauhii Cha MaUkshaa Cha Me Vashaa Cha Ma R^ishhabhashcha Me
Vehashcha Me.Anadvaajncha Me Dhenushcha Ma Aayuryagyena Kalpataam
Praano Yagyena Kalpataamapaano Yagyena Kalpataam
Vyaano Yagyena Kalpataam Chakshuryagyena Kalpataa\M+
Shrotram Yagyena Kalpataam Mano Yagyena Kalpataam
Vaagyagyena Kalpataamaatmaa Yagyena Kalpataam
Yagyo Yagyena Kalpataam.H || 10||
-----------May the embryo for me, the calves, the one-and-a-half-year-old male and female, the two-year-old male and female, the two-and-a-half-year-old male and female, the three-year-old male and female, the four-year-old male and female, the draught ox and the draught cow, the bull and the cow that is barren, the steer [1] and the cow that miscarries, the bullock and the cow (prosper through the sacrifice); may life prosper through the sacrifice, may expiration prosper through the sacrifice, may inspiration prosper through the sacrifice, may cross-breathing prosper through the sacrifice, may the eye prosper through the sacrifice, may the ear prosper through the sacrifice, may mind prosper through the sacrifice, may speech prosper through the sacrifice, may the self prosper through the sacrifice, may the sacrifice prosper through the sacrifice.-----------
Ekaa Cha Me Tisrashcha Me Pajncha Cha Me Sapta Cha Me
Nava Cha Ma Ekadasha Cha Me Trayodasha Cha Me Pamchadasha Cha Me
Saptadasha Cha Me Navadasha Cha Ma Eka Vi\M+Shatishcha Me
Trayovi\M+Shatishcha Me Pamchavi\M+Shatishcha Me
Saptavi\M+Shatishcha Me Navavi\M+Shatishcha Ma
Ekatri\M+Shachcha Me Trayastri\M+Shachcha Me
Chatasrashcha Me.Ashhtau Cha Me Dvaadasha Cha Me Shhodasha Cha Me
Vi\M+Shatishcha Me Chaturvi\M+Shatishcha Me.Ashhtaavi\M+Shatishcha Me
Dvaatri\M+Shachcha Me Shhattri\M+Shachcha Me Chatvari\M+Shachcha Me
Chatushchatvaari\M+Shachcha Me.Ashhtaachatvaari\M+Shachcha Me
Vaajashcha Prasavashchaapijashcha Kratushcha Suvashcha Muurdhaa Cha
Vyashniyashchaantyaayanashchaantyashcha Bhauvanashcha
Bhuvanashchaadhipatishcha || 11||
Idaa Devahuurmanuryagyaniirbr^ihaspatirukthaamadaani
Sha\M+Sishhadvishvedevaah Suuktavaachah Pr^ithiviimaatarmaa
Maa Hi\M+Siirmadhu Manishhye Madhu Janishhye Madhu Vakshyaami
Madhu Vadishhyaami Madhumatiim Devebhyo Vaachamudyaasa\M+
Shushruushhenyaam Manushhyebhyastam Maa Devaa Avantu
Shobhaayai Pitaro.Anumadantu ||
|| Aum Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||
Arthur Berriedale Keith,
The Piling of the Fire Altar (Continued)
iv. 7. 1.
Agnaavishhnuu Sajoshhasemaa Vardhantu Vaam Girah |
Dyumnairvaajebhiraagatam.H ||
Vaajashcha Me Prasavashcha Me
Prayatishcha Me Prasitishcha Me Dhiitishcha Me Kratushcha Me
Svarashcha Me Shlokashcha Me Shraavashcha Me Shrutishcha Me
Jyotishcha Me Suvashcha Me Praanashcha Me.Apaanashcha Me
Vyaanashcha Me.Asushcha Me Chittam Cha Ma Aadhiitam Cha Me
Vaakcha Me Manashcha Me Chakshushcha Me Shrotram Cha Me
Dakshashcha Me Balam Cha Ma Ojashcha Me Sahashcha Ma Aayushcha Me
Jaraa Cha Ma Aatmaa Cha Me Tanuushcha Me Sharma Cha Me Varma Cha Me
.An^gaani Cha Me.Asthaani Cha Me Paruu\M+Shhi Cha Me
Shariiraani Cha Me || 1||
-----------O Agni and Visnu, may these songs gladden you in unison; come ye with radiance and strength.
b May for me strength, instigation, influence, inclination, thought, inspiration, speech, fame, renown, reputation, light, heaven, expiration, inspiration [1], cross-breathing, breath, mind, learning, voice, mind, eye, ear, skill, might, force, strength, life, old age, breath, body, protection, guard, limbs, bones, joints, bodies (prosper through the sacrifice).-----------
Jyaishhthyam Cha Ma Aadhipathyam Cha Me Manyushcha Me
Bhaamashcha Me.Amashcha Me.Ambhashcha Me Jemaa Cha Me
Mahimaa Cha Me Varimaa Cha Me Prathimaa Cha Me Varshhmaa Cha Me Draaghuyaa Cha Me
Vr^iddham Cha Me Vr^iddhishcha Me Satyam Cha Me Shraddhaa Cha Me
Jagachcha Me Dhanam Cha Me Vashashcha Me Tvishhishcha Me Kriidaa Cha Me
Modashcha Me Jaatam Cha Me Janishhyamaanam Cha Me Suuktam Cha Me
Sukr^itam Cha Me Vittam Cha Me Vedyam Cha Me Bhuutam Cha Me
Bhavishhyachcha Me Sugam Cha Me Supatham Cha Ma R^iddham Cha Ma R^iddhishcha Me
Kl^iptam Cha Me Kl^iptishcha Me Matishcha Me Sumatishcha Me || 2||
-----------May for me pre-eminence, overlordship, spirit, anger, violence, impetuosity, victorious power, greatness, breadth, extent, greatness, length, growth, growing, truth, faith, world [1], wealth, power, radiance, play, delight, what is born, what is to be born, good words, good deeds, finding, what there is to find, what has been, what will be, easy road, good way, prosperity, prospering, agreement, agreeing, thought, good thought (prosper through the sacrifice).-----------
Sham Cha Me Mayashcha Me Priyam Cha Me.Anukaamashcha Me
Kaamashcha Me Saumanasashcha Me Bhadram Cha Me Shreyashcha Me
Vasyashcha Me Yashashcha Me Bhagashcha Me Dravinam Cha Me
Yantaa Cha Me Dhartaa Cha Me Kshemashcha Me Dhr^itishcha Me
Vishvam Cha Me Mahashcha Me Samvichcha Me Gyaatram Cha Me
Suushcha Me Prasuushcha Me Siiram Cha Me Layashcha Ma R^itam Cha Me
.Amr^itam Cha Me.Ayakshmam Cha Me.Anaamayachcha Me Jiivaatushcha Me
Diirghaayutvam Cha Me.Anamitram Cha Me.Abhayam Cha Me Sugam Cha Me
Shayanam Cha Me Suushhaa Cha Me Sudinam Cha Me || 3||
-----------May for me prosperity, comfort, desire, wish, longing, kindliness, good, better, superior, fame, good luck, riches, restrainer, supporter, peace, firmness, all [1], greatness, discovery, knowledge, begetting, procreation, plough, harrow, holy order, immortality, freeness from disease, freedom from illness, life, longevity, freedom from foes, fearlessness, ease of going, lying, fair dawning, and fair day (prosper through the sacrifice).-----------
Ghr^itam Cha Me Madhu Cha Me Sagdhishcha Me Sapiitishcha Me
Kr^ishhishcha Me Vr^ishhtishcha Me Jaitram Cha Ma Audbhidyam Cha Me
Rayishcha Me Raayashcha Me Pushhtam Cha Me Pushhtishcha Me
Vibhu Cha Me Prabhu Cha Me Bahu Cha Me Bhuuyashcha Me
Puurnam Cha Me Puurnataram Cha Me.Akshitishcha Me Kuuyavaashcha Me
.Annam Cha Me.Akshuchcha Me Vriihiyashcha Me Yavaashcha Me Maashhaashcha Me
Tilaashcha Me Mudgaashcha Me Khalvaashcha Me Godhuumaashcha Me
Masuraashcha Me Priyamgavashcha Me.Anavashcha Me
Shyaamaakaashcha Me Niivaaraashcha Me || 4||
----------- May for me strength, righteousness, milk, sap, ghee, honey, eating and drinking in company, ploughing, rain, conquest, victory, wealth, riches, prosperity, prospering, plenteousness [1], lordship, much, more, fun, fuller, imperishableness, bad crops, food, freedom from hunger, rice, barley, beans, sesame, kidney beans, vetches, wheat, lentils, Millet, Panicum miliaceum, Panicum frumentaceum, and wild rice (prosper through the sacrifice).-----------
Ashmaa Cha Me Mr^ittikaa Cha Me Girayashcha Me Parvataashcha Me
Sikataashcha Me Vanaspatayashcha Me Hiranyam Cha Me
.Ayashcha Me Siisam Cha Me Trapushcha Me Shyaamam Cha Me
Loham Cha Me.Agnishcha Ma Aapashcha Me Viirudhashcha Ma
Oshhadhayashcha Me Kr^ishhtapachyam Cha Me.Akr^ishhtapachyam Cha Me
Graamyaashcha Me Pashava Aaranyaashcha Yagyena Kalpantaam
Vittam Cha Me Vittishcha Me Bhuutam Cha Me Bhuutishcha Me
Vasu Cha Me Vasatishcha Me Karma Cha Me Shaktishcha Me
.Arthashcha Ma Emashcha Ma Itishcha Me Gatishcha Me || 5||
-----------May I for me the stone, clay, hills, mountains, sand, trees, gold, bronze, lead, tin, iron, copper, fire, water, roots, plants, what grows on ploughed land, what grows on unploughed land, tame and wild cattle prosper through the sacrifice; may for me wealth and gaining wealth, attainment and attaining, riches, dwelling, act, power, aim, strength, moving and going (prosper through the sacrifice).
Agnishcha Ma Indrashcha Me Somashcha Ma Indrashcha Me
Savitaa Cha Ma Indrashcha Me Sarasvatii Cha Ma Indrashcha Me
Puushhaa Cha Ma Indrashcha Me Br^ihaspatishcha Ma Indrashcha Me
Mitrashcha Ma Indrashcha Me Varunashcha Ma Indrashcha Me
Tvashhtaa Cha Ma Indrashcha Me Dhaataa Cha Ma Indrashcha Me
Vishhnushcha Ma Indrashcha Me.Ashvinau Cha Ma Indrashcha Me
Marutashcha Ma Indrashcha Me Vishve Cha Me Devaa Indrashcha Me
Pr^ithivii Cha Ma Indrashcha Me.Antariiksham Cha Ma Indrashcha Me
Dyaushcha Ma Indrashcha Me Dishashcha Ma Indrashcha Me
Muurdhaa Cha Ma Indrashcha Me Prajaapatishcha Ma Indrashcha Me || 6||
-----------May Agni for me and Indra, may Soma and Indra, may Savitr and Indra, may Sarasvati and Indra, may Pusan and Indra, may Brhaspati and Indra, may Mitra and Indra, may Varuna and Indra, may Tvastr [1] and Indra, may Dhatr and Indra, may Visnu and Indra, may the Açvins and Indra, may the Maruts and Indra, may the All-gods and Indra, may earth and Indra, may the atmosphere and Indra, may sky and Indra, may the quarters and Indra, may the head and Indra, may Prajapati and Indra (be auspicious for me through the sacrifice).-----------
A\M+Shushcha Me Rashmishcha Me.Adaabhyashcha Me.Adhipatishcha Ma
Upaa\M+Shushcha Me.Antaryaamashcha Ma Aindravaayashcha Me
Maitraavarunashcha Ma Aashvinashcha Me Pratipasthaanashcha Me
Shukrashcha Me Manthii Cha Ma Aagrayanashcha Me Vaishvadevashcha Me
Dhruvashcha Me Vaishvaanarashcha Ma R^itugraahaashcha Me
.Atigraahyaashcha Ma Aindraagnashcha Me Vaishvadevaashcha Me
Marutvatiiyaashcha Me Maahendrashcha Ma Aadityashcha Me
Saavitrashcha Me Saarasvatashcha Me Paushhnashcha Me
Paatniivatashcha Me Haariyojanashcha Me || 7||
-----------May the Amçu cup for me, the Raçmi, the Adabhya, the overlord (cup), the Upançu, the Antaryama, the (cup) for Indra and Vayu, the (cup) for Mitra and Varuna, the (cup) for the Açvins, the Pratiprasthana (cup) the Çukra, the Manthin, the Agrayana, the (cup) for the All-gods, the Dhruva, the (cup) for Vaiçvanara, the season cups [1], the Atigrahyas, the (cup) for Indra and Agni, the (cup) for the All-gods, the (cups) for the Maruts, the (cup) for Mahendra, the (cup) for Aditya, the (cup) for Savitr the (cup) for Sarasvati, the (cup) for Pusan, the (cup) for (Tvastr) with the wives (of the gods), the Hariyojana (cup) (prosper for me through the sacrifice).-----------
Idhmashcha Me Barhishcha Me Vedishcha Me Dhishhniyaashcha Me
Sruchashcha Me Chamasaashcha Me Graavaanashcha Me Svaravashcha Ma
Uparavaashcha Me .Adhishhavane Cha Me Dronakalashashcha Me
Vaayavyaani Cha Me Puutabhr^ichcha Me Aadhavaniiyashcha Ma
Aagniidhram Cha Me Havirdhaanam Cha Me Gr^ihaashcha Me Sadashcha Me
Purodaashaashcha Me Pachataashcha Me.Avabhr^ithashcha Me
Svagaakaarashcha Me || 8||
-----------May the kindling-wood for me, the strew, the altar, the lesser altars, the offering-spoons, the cups, the pressing-stones, the chips (of the post), the sounding-holes, the two pressing-boards, the wooden tub, the Vayu cups, the (bowl) for the purified Soma, the mixing (bowl), the Agnidh's altar, the oblation-holder, the house, the Sadas, the cakes, the cooked (offerings), the final bath, the cry of 'Godspeed' (prosper for me through the sacrifice).-----------
Agnishcha Me Dharmashcha Me.Arkashcha Me Suuryashcha Me
Praanashcha Me.Ashvamedhashcha Me Pr^ithivii Cha Me.A Ditishcha Me
Ditishcha Me Dyaushcha Me Shakkvariiran^gulayo Dishashcha Me
Yagyena Kalpantaamr^ikcha Me Saama Cha Me Stomashcha Me
Yajushcha Me Diikshaa Cha Me Tapashcha Ma R^itushcha Me Vratam Cha Me
.Ahoraatrayorvr^ishhtyaa Br^ihadrathantare Cha Me Yagyena Kalpetaam.H || 9||
-----------May the fire for me, the cauldron, the beam, the sun, breath, the horse sacrifice, earth, Aditi, Diti, sky, the Çakvari verses, the fingers, the quarters prosper through the sacrifice; may the Re, the Saman, the hymn tune, the Yajus, consecration, penance, the season, the vow (prosper) through the rain of day and night, the Brhat and Rathantara prosper for me through the sacrifice.-----------
Garbhaashcha Me Vatsaashcha Me Travishcha Me Travii Cha Me
Dityavaat.H Cha Me Dityauhii Cha Me Pajnchaavishcha Me
Pajnchaavii Cha Me Trivatsashcha Me Trivatsaa Cha Me
Turyavaat.H Cha Me Turyauhii Cha Me Pashhthavaat.H Cha Me
Pashhthauhii Cha MaUkshaa Cha Me Vashaa Cha Ma R^ishhabhashcha Me
Vehashcha Me.Anadvaajncha Me Dhenushcha Ma Aayuryagyena Kalpataam
Praano Yagyena Kalpataamapaano Yagyena Kalpataam
Vyaano Yagyena Kalpataam Chakshuryagyena Kalpataa\M+
Shrotram Yagyena Kalpataam Mano Yagyena Kalpataam
Vaagyagyena Kalpataamaatmaa Yagyena Kalpataam
Yagyo Yagyena Kalpataam.H || 10||
-----------May the embryo for me, the calves, the one-and-a-half-year-old male and female, the two-year-old male and female, the two-and-a-half-year-old male and female, the three-year-old male and female, the four-year-old male and female, the draught ox and the draught cow, the bull and the cow that is barren, the steer [1] and the cow that miscarries, the bullock and the cow (prosper through the sacrifice); may life prosper through the sacrifice, may expiration prosper through the sacrifice, may inspiration prosper through the sacrifice, may cross-breathing prosper through the sacrifice, may the eye prosper through the sacrifice, may the ear prosper through the sacrifice, may mind prosper through the sacrifice, may speech prosper through the sacrifice, may the self prosper through the sacrifice, may the sacrifice prosper through the sacrifice.-----------
Ekaa Cha Me Tisrashcha Me Pajncha Cha Me Sapta Cha Me
Nava Cha Ma Ekadasha Cha Me Trayodasha Cha Me Pamchadasha Cha Me
Saptadasha Cha Me Navadasha Cha Ma Eka Vi\M+Shatishcha Me
Trayovi\M+Shatishcha Me Pamchavi\M+Shatishcha Me
Saptavi\M+Shatishcha Me Navavi\M+Shatishcha Ma
Ekatri\M+Shachcha Me Trayastri\M+Shachcha Me
Chatasrashcha Me.Ashhtau Cha Me Dvaadasha Cha Me Shhodasha Cha Me
Vi\M+Shatishcha Me Chaturvi\M+Shatishcha Me.Ashhtaavi\M+Shatishcha Me
Dvaatri\M+Shachcha Me Shhattri\M+Shachcha Me Chatvari\M+Shachcha Me
Chatushchatvaari\M+Shachcha Me.Ashhtaachatvaari\M+Shachcha Me
Vaajashcha Prasavashchaapijashcha Kratushcha Suvashcha Muurdhaa Cha
Vyashniyashchaantyaayanashchaantyashcha Bhauvanashcha
Bhuvanashchaadhipatishcha || 11||
-----------a May one for me, three, five, seven, nine, eleven, thirteen, fifteen, seventeen, nineteen, twenty-one, twenty-three, twenty-five, twenty-seven, twenty-nine, thirty-one, thirty-three [1];
b four, eight, twelve, sixteen, twenty, twenty-four, twenty-eight, thirty-two, thirty-six, forty, forty-four, forty-eight;
c strength, instigation, the later born, inspiration, heaven, the head, the Vyaçniya, the offspring of the last, the last, the offspring of being, being, the overlord (prosper with the sacrifice).-----------
Idaa Devahuurmanuryagyaniirbr^ihaspatirukthaamadaani
Sha\M+Sishhadvishvedevaah Suuktavaachah Pr^ithiviimaatarmaa
Maa Hi\M+Siirmadhu Manishhye Madhu Janishhye Madhu Vakshyaami
Madhu Vadishhyaami Madhumatiim Devebhyo Vaachamudyaasa\M+
Shushruushhenyaam Manushhyebhyastam Maa Devaa Avantu
Shobhaayai Pitaro.Anumadantu ||
|| Aum Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||
Arthur Berriedale Keith,
The Piling of the Fire Altar (Continued)
iv. 7. 1.
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